​​​​Laser Aesthetic & Gum Treatment

Laser - The Future of Cutting-edge Technology

Laser Aesthetic & Gum Treatment

Your gums are the clothes to your teeth. It lies over your strong jaw bones that supports them. The gums play a very significant role in protecting your teeth by keeping a balance between the good and bad microrganisms in the mouth.

However due to certain factors which could alter the biological and mechanical properties of the periodontium structure, the gum undergoes changes. This is when we start developing tooth sensitivity, bleeding gums and tooth mobility. Any inflammation of the gums are referred to as Gingivitis, where the gums appear to be red, swollen and bleeds easily on touching.

Many times we find ourselves wondering why does our gums bleed when we brush our teeth.Sometimes it even bleeds spontaneously, upon slight pressure or while eating. This phenomenon is very common these days, but sometimes it is complicated with tooth mobility and bad odour. The solution is simple … gum treatment!

Gum Treatment

It is very important for us to look after our gums, simply becauseit provides fundamental support to our teeth and dental ecosystem. Neglecting them would result in deterioration of the gum health, followed by tooth mobility and eventually tooth loss. Hence, treating gum problems are crucial before they becomeworse.

Did you Know?

  • There is a tiny space between your tooth your gums, it is called “the sulcus”- which is pretty much normal
  • In severe gum diseases (or periodontitis), the depth of the normal sulcus (2-3mm) is increased due to the loss of attachment of the gum to the tooth
  • This is called “pocketing”, and this condition needs to be treated
  • Among the common signs and symptoms of this condition are tooth sensitivity, gum bleed, tooth mobility and in worse cases pus accumulation
Laser Aesthetic

Well, there is a simple solution for this problem. Besides regular cleaning and scaling that helps remove plaque and calculus around our teeth, we carry out Laser Dental Treatment to treat your gum problems. It is done by using Emundo Dye together with Diod Laser to eliminate periodontal infection and pocketing.

This system uses photodynamic therapy that targets the defective tissues and mitigates gum disease via light emission.

Dark Gums!

It’s not uncommon to notice if your gums are black or stained. Dark gums are usually caused by medications, pigmentation, staining, medical condition and smoking. However it is common to find dark gums among tanned skin people, and it’s more common to be in certain ethnic groups.

Genetically the gums are filled with pigments that are darker in colour, thus giving the gums a black look instead of faded pink. However dark the gums might appear to be pigmentation is superficial, hence it is removable. Removing them would mean getting rid of all the dark pigments on your gums, which in return gives you “whiter gums” in a new pink look.

Laser Gum Whitening is the new age concept of whitening or bleaching your gums. Gum Bleaching, simply means using specific high grade laser to remove the superficial keratinised pigmented gum layer to allow new gum to form that is naturally pink (gum whitening).

This process is painless, has a fast recovery time and has tremendous outcome!

It has a huge impact on our appearance, giving us a pretty look on the gum line and is highly aesthetic! The procedure does not leave a scar, and has almost no downtime. It gets rid of unwanted pigments and has a pretty decent success rate with low recurrence.

 Gum Whitening before


Gum Whitening after


Gum Whitening 2-before


Gum Whitening 2 after


Gummy Smile!

Too much of anything isn’t always good… moderation is the key! Some people don’t smile much when you meet them, because when they do all you see is Gums!

Laser Gum Treatment before


Gummy Smile occurs mostly when either the upper arch jaw bone is lightly overgrown, we have short upper lips or the muscle that pulls our lip upwards when we smile is hyperactive! There are few muscles of facial expression that aids in smiling.

Did you Know?
The muscle that is responsible for the elevation of your upper lip is called “levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle”- which is pretty much the longest name of he muscle in a human body!?

For certain gummy smile cases, a combination of crown lengthening, restorative work and in severe cases a botox jab could help reduce the impact. Laser Gum Treatment is used to solve this problem via some basic gum modification to the gums that increases the tooth (crown) length snd therefor reducing the gummy smile appearance.

Laser Gum Treatment after


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